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SKU D1713


Profile: Black beans are a dark, tiny variant of ordinary beans that are popular in Latin American cooking.

- It's about 3/8 inch long and shaped like a kidney.
- Black skin with a white center
- When cooked, the texture is dense and meaty.
- Earthy with a hint of sweetness


Black Beans (Phaseolus vulgaris) come in a variety of sizes and shapes, the most common of which is the small, rounder bean, often known as "black turtle bean" due to its shiny, shell-like appearance. Black beans have a meaty cooked texture and an earthy, almost mushroom-like flavor, and they keep their shape nicely in recipes ranging from dips to soups to salads to burritos.

Black beans are a staple in many Central and South American cultures, with a 7,000-year history, and play an essential role in the cuisines of Mexico, Brazil, Cuba, Guatemala, and the Dominican Republic. Feijoada, Brazil's national meal, is a hearty stew cooked with black beans and a range of fresh and smoked hog and beef pieces. Frijoles negros (Spanish for "black beans") are a simple stewed bean meal popular in Cuba, Puerto Rico, and Mexico, seasoned with onion, garlic, spices, and occasionally leftover pork or bacon slices.

Black beans have a high nutrient density, with protein, fiber, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, and vitamin B6, as well as a low fat content. Furthermore, black beans include three anthocyanin polyphenols - delphinidin, petunidin, and malvidin - which are antioxidant-rich plant compounds found in the bean's deep black seed coat.

Black beans are part of the wider legume family of plants, which are grown for their edible seeds and pods and have low-maintenance production and storage. They are high in protein, vital minerals, and fiber while being low in fat.

Beans are thought to have originated in Peru and moved throughout South and Central America through trade before being introduced to Europe by Spanish explorers in the 15th century. They've become diet mainstays in many cultures since they're a high-quality, low-cost source of protein and nutrition.

Ingredients: Black beans.
Shelf Life: 2 Years.
Product Style: Whole
Country of Origin: United States
Handling / Storage: Store in a cool, dry place.
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