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SKU D3821


Profile: Yarrow is a perennial with feathery leaves and fragrant white to pink blooms. It grows in gardens, fields, mountains, and roadsides as a weed. Achillea millefolium has been used in Western herbalism for decades. The dried leaf and blossom of yarrow are used in skin care and herbal tea mixes. Yarrow leaf and bloom can be tinctured.


Flowering yarrow is native to North America, Europe, and Asia. Its leaves are delicate and heavily segmented, like feathers. The height of yarrow's summer stalks depends on rainfall. In dry years, these stalks only grow a foot or two, conserving energy in the roots. Clusters of white blossoms atop the stems give a unique perfume.

Yarrow got its Latin name, Achillea, from Achilles. According to tradition, Achilles' mother dipped him in the river Styx to make him invulnerable. As a supposedly invincible warrior, Achilles utilized yarrow to cure his comrades' wounds. Later, he died of a wound to his heel, which was unprotected.

Yarrow is a type of herb. The pieces that are above ground are used to create medicine. Fever, common cold, hay fever, lack of menstruation, dysentery, diarrhea, loss of appetite, gastrointestinal (GI) tract pain, and to induce sweating are all conditions that yarrow is used for. To cure toothache, some people chew the fresh leaves.


**These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any diseases.


Ingredients: Yarrow Flower
Origin:  Hungary
Shelf Life: 2 Years.
Product Style: Cut & Sifted
Handling / Storage: Store in a airtight Food Storage Containers, cool, dry place.
Allergen Information: None Specified.


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