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SKU D3418


Profile: Rye Berries are whole-grain rye that has had the hull removed. They have a moderate, walnut-like flavor and a firm, chewy texture when cooked.

- Color: light, putty brown
- Between 1/4 and 5/16 inch in length
- Gluten concentration is lower than wheat, although it is not gluten-free.


This easy, German-inspired side dish mixes healthful, fragrant Rye Berries with red cabbage cooked in vinegar and sugar, making it a great accompaniment to bratwursts or smoked sausages.

Modern cultivated rye (Secale cereale) is thought to have evolved from either Secale montanum (southern Europe and Southwest Asia) or Secale anatolicum (Middle East). A weed in Asian wheat and barley fields, rye was only recognized as a profitable crop and domesticated in the 4th century B.C.

Rye grows faster than wheat and can tolerate flooding, drought, and cold. Because of its capacity to grow on poor soil, rye was nicknamed "the poverty grain." However, in Western nations, the noble ate wheat bread while the poor ate heavier, but more nutritious, rye bread.

Rye flour is used in a variety of breads throughout Eastern Europe and Scandinavia. Although not gluten-free, it has less than wheat. Whiskey uses rye.

Whole rye berries are used in salads, soups, stews, pilafs, and hot porridge. They're a tasty rice substitute.

Fiber-rich rye. Unlike most grains, rye includes fiber in its endosperm, not only its bran, making rye products healthy for diabetics. High fiber content promotes a full sensation, which might aid with weight management. Rye has amino acids, selenium, magnesium, phosphorus, and B vitamins.


Ingredients: Rye Berries
Shelf Life: 2 Years.
Basic Prep: Boil 4 cups water and add 1 cup Rye Berries. Simmer, covered. 1 hour. Drain liquid.
Ways To Use: * Salads, soups, stews, breads, pilafs, stuffings, as a hot breakfast cereal, or as a rice alternative all employ rye.
* Toss with vinaigrette and fresh vegetables for a substantial grain salad.
* Serve as a hot porridge with nuts and dried fruit
* Toss in with soups and stews.
Product Style: Whole
Handling / Storage: Store in a cool, dry place.
Allergen Information: None Specified.
Dietary Preferences: All Natural, Gluten-Free, Kosher Parve, Non-GMO.
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